Four Ways How Sourcing Tools Make Recruiting Easier

Intricately defined and built by various financial experts over the past fifty years, the global market as we knew it pre-2019 has moved digital. A transition that should have happened over a decade has happened within half a year, under the immense pressure of the pandemic. What does this mean?

From the perspective of businesses, it meant the fall of conventional and offline sales and marketing methods. For institutions, it meant rebuilding their entire system with better technological infrastructure. For hiring professionals and HR teams around the world, it means a more tedious and inaccurate hiring process. While there are other perspectives out there, the question at the end of the line was almost always the same – “what is the solution to this acute problem?”

Businesses and institutions could get away with implementing remote, internet-friendly solutions. However, the same cannot be said for recruiters and hiring professionals. A 100% dependency on online tools – let alone “intelligent” tools – does not always result in a humane workplace. Hence, a solution was brought to the table: sourcing tools.

What is a sourcing tool?

A sourcing tool crawls public social media databases and retrieves candidate profiles that are extremely well-suited for the parameters defined by the recruiter in charge. These tools are often malleable to the requirements of any HR team and are often constructed to be convenient for the user while providing tangible results that make recruiting faster and easier.

While the results may indicate that sourcing tools are intelligent, their intelligence is at the behest of the user – in this case, the recruiter. By putting the recruiter in control, sourcing tools can safely generate candidate profiles as a set of choices rather than the final set. The recruiter can always step in and reject profiles that need to be excluded from the results for reasons that cannot be described as filters – their LinkedIn activity history, for example.

All of this can be accessed using WebbTree – an all-in-one talent sourcing solution for recruiting teams working remotely. Fifteen seconds is all it takes for you, as a recruiter, to have your pick of candidates that have been retrieved from various popular platforms, including LinkedIn, GitHub, and Stack Overflow. Personalized emails and callbacks, content resource management, and cloud-based convenience in a single tool? That’s WebbTree.

How does a sourcing tool make recruiting easier?

There are infinite ways in which sourcing tools make recruiting sessions a breeze. These can be broadly classified into four logical categories and further broken down. The 4 ways how sourcing tools make recruiting easier are as follows:

  1. Increased productivity: Businesses often look into time and money as an interdependent relationship, where the proportionality is inverse. Less time expenditure often leads to more productivity, and consequently more capital gain. Sourcing tools help reduce the amount of time spent in a single recruiting session. By letting tools do what recruiters have to manually do, the amount of time saved in the process is often upwards of 75%. This time can be spent in other productive tasks, thereby feeding into the virtuous time-money cycle.
  2. Better candidates, better employees: When manually looking for candidates, recruiters often have to approach profiles and interact with them to ensure that they are interested in the position while making sure that their backgrounds are secure and workplace-friendly. This process often tends to end up with ~20% of parties acknowledging the recruiter, let alone express a positive interest. With sourcing tools, passive candidates are often put into the mix due to eliminating their hesitation. This massively increases the potential pool that recruiters need to choose from, thereby resulting in the best team they can procure for the job.
  3. Streamlining and efficiency: The ideal expectation is for recruiters to hire affordable employees instantaneously. In the real world, however, that is close to impossible. With sourcing tools, recruiters and HR teams are provided with the edge that gets them closer to a larger number of candidates in a shorter period. The numbers say it all – sourcing tools are much more streamlined and efficient when in charge of retrieving candidate profiles.
  4. The low intrusion of privacy: With the awareness of privacy and separation of social livelihood on the rise, candidates often feel violated when approached with all data in hand. However, sourcing tools procure public data that the candidates have willingly updated and posted on their profiles, thereby ensuring the legality and ethics of the process. There is no moral ambiguity over how they have been vetted and filtered. The opposite may be possible – by using sourcing tools as an example, businesses and their HR teams can be made to look liberal with technological advancements.

All of this often applies to various sourcing tools. However, the probability is eliminated when looking into WebbTree. By operating with flexibility and transparency, WebbTree is a talent sourcing solution unlike no other. It is a very malleable sourcing tool for recruiters and comes with a free plan worth looking into. They also happen to have some of the best premium features in the industry – how convenient! You can know more about it here.

How to source talent from GitHub?
5 Amazing Ways to Source Potential Candidates

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