Mastering the Art of Video Interviewing: A Comprehensive Guide for Recruiters and HR Professionals

Mastering the Art of Video Interviewing: A Comprehensive Guide for Recruiters and HR Professionals

Why video interviewing?

Video interviewing offers many benefits, including faster and more efficient interviews, minimizing scheduling delays, and reducing the risk of losing top candidates to your competitors. With proper implementation, it offers a smoother and more streamlined interviewing process.

Video screening or video interviewing allows you to screen and assess candidates without needing to meet them in person. As part of a larger pre-employment process, video interviewing allows recruiters to evaluate candidates’ professionalism, communication skills, and fit to the organization’s culture and values.

Did you know? Facts about video interviewing

  • The history of video interviewing dates back to the 1970s, but it was not until the early 2000s that it gained traction as a recruitment tool
  • The first patent for a video interviewing system was filed in 2000 by Raghav Gupta, an Indian entrepreneur, and his company InterviewDesk
  • In 2020, 39% of employers used video interviews for the first time
  • 53% of job seekers have participated in a video interview
  • 86% of employers believe video interviewing improves their hiring process
  • 43% of companies plan to increase its use
  • 40% of companies use video interviews for remote hiring
  • The video interview market is expected to reach $3.3 billion by 2025
  • 80% of companies used video interviews in 2020
  • Video interviews are utilized by 66% of companies for initial screenings
  • 52% of companies used video interviews for on-demand assessments in 2020
  • The average length of a video interview is 30 minutes
  • The video interview market is driven by the increasing adoption of video technology in recruitment
  • The growing trend of remote work has also contributed to the market’s growth

Traditional vs Video interviewing

Apart from key differences like the location, candidate experience and the format of the interview, virtual interviewing is very much like traditional interviewing. Here are  some similarities between the two:

  • Purpose: The purpose of both the interviewing processes is to assess the suitability of a candidate to the job role.
  • Structure: Both traditional and video interviewing typically follow a structured format like the interviewer asking questions related to skills, qualifications, experience, interests and so on.
  • Evaluation: Both methods require the interviewer to evaluate a candidate’s responses to the questions/assessments.
  • Communication skills: Effective communication is the key in both the formats of interviewing. The interviewer should be able to gauge the ability of the candidate to articulate their responses effectively.

Pros and cons of video interviewing

Pros of video interviewing

  • Save on costs: Organizations can save costs of reserving a venue for interviewing their candidates. A reliable video interviewing platform can also eliminate the need to fly in your final round candidate- thereby eliminating the cost associated with transportation and accommodations.
  • Flexibility: It also allows employers to schedule interviews with in-demand candidates who may have limited availability to attend in-person interviews, which in turn reduces time-to-hire.
  • Benefits hiring managers: Video interviews help hiring managers to interview candidates who may be located in different cities or countries, giving access to a wider talent pool.
  • Reduce the risk of bad hires: Recorded interviews allow you to receive additional information about your applicants. You can review an applicant’s response/body language and compare them against other candidates.
  • Enhance your brand: According to a survey by, about 82.4% of the 30,000 candidates who participated in the survey, were either very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with video interviews as a recruitment method. Being a modern recruiter can help enhance your brand image.

Cons of video interviewing ( and how to overcome them)

  • Technical difficulties: Perhaps the most common challenges of video interviewing are technical difficulties, such as poor internet connection, video and audio quality, or software glitches. These issues cause delays or interruptions in the interviews.

Solution: Recruiters should ensure they have reliable technology and a strong internet connection. They can also conduct test runs of virtual interviews to check whether things are working properly.  Additionally, if technical difficulties do occur, you should have a backup plan, such as rescheduling the interviews or switching to a different platform

  • Lack of personal connection: The second biggest drawback of video interviewing is the limited personal connection with the candidate. Without the benefit of meeting the candidate in person, it can be harder to get a sense of their personality and communication style.

Solution: You should focus on building a good rapport with your applicants. This can be done by:

  • Opting for face-to-face interaction, rather than just audio.
  • Start with small talk and ask open ended questions as the interview progresses.
  • Actively listen to your candidates’ responses.
  • Provide feedback and follow-up
  • Limited non-verbal cues: Virtual interviews make it difficult to pick up on non-verbal cues from the candidate, such as body language or facial expressions.

Solution: Recruiters can overcome this difficulty by paying close attention to the candidate’s tone of voice and choice of words. These are important cues that allow you to assess their communication style and personality. You can also try asking follow-up questions  to clarify any responses that may be unclear or ambiguous.

  • Distractions: Virtual interviews have high potential of distractions or interruptions that can disrupt the flow of the interview. For example, the candidate’s phone might ring, or a family member might enter the room, the internet connection might get disrupted, disturbing neighbors, and the list goes on.

Solution: You can easily overcome this drawback by giving instructions/expectations prior to the interview, such as asking the candidate to find a quiet, private space for the interview and to minimize distractions.  Additionally, you can also be prepared to adapt to unexpected interruptions, such as by taking a brief pause in the interview or rescheduling the interview if necessary.

Types of video interview to consider

  1. Pre-recorded video interviews

Also referred to as asynchronous interviews, it takes place without the interviewer being present. It is almost like playing a video game, a candidate works on an assignment within a set time limit and a deadline to record their interview.

This process commonly requires candidates to use a designated video platform to conduct their interview. It provides HRs and recruiters with greater oversight of the submission process and alleviates any technical concerns the candidate may have when recording.

Once a candidate logs into the video interview platform and begins the interview, they are typically presented with pre-recorded questions on the screen that they must answer within a set timeframe.

  1. One-way video interviews

One-way video interviews are similar to pre-recorded interviews, but the only key difference is the candidate cannot see the recruiter. This approach is often used as an initial screening tool to zero in on the candidate pool before moving onto more in-depth interviews.

  1. Conference/Panel video interviews

Conference video interviews are significantly different from pre-recorded interviews. It typically offers a specific date and time to attend. The interviewer will ask a set of questions to the candidate, and they will be expected to answer them.

As an HR/recruiter, in the conference, you can ask follow-up questions as well. This will allow you to know more about your candidates, and the candidate can discover more about your organization.

  1. Live video interviews

This is one of the most popular formats of virtual interviews. You and your candidate connect in real-time via a video-conferencing platform. It allows for more direct interactions and you can assess the candidates responses in real-time.

Tools and Resources needed for video interviews

  • Video conferencing software: You will need a reliable video conferencing software such as Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet to conduct the interview.

[ Pro tip: Are you struggling to set up video interviews for your candidates? Save time and reduce stress by opting for our effective candidate screening solutions

Effective candidate screening solutions

Webbtree’s platform provides a seamless interview experience for both you and your candidates. Here is a quick round up of the features our solution offers:

  1. Schedule interviews with candidates.
  2. Integrate with multiple video conferencing platforms.
  3. Set up a scorecard for your candidates.
  4. Submit feedback and do follow-ups.

All from a single platform. With our assistance, you can streamline your hiring process and find the best candidate for the job. Contact us today to learn more! ]

  • A computer or mobile device: You will need a computer or a mobile device with a camera and a microphone to record the video interview.
  • Internet connection: A strong and stable internet connection is essential to ensure smooth video and audio communication during the interview. For a clear HD video connection, you need at least 1 Mbps (Megabytes per second).
  • Lighting: Make sure you have adequate lighting to ensure that you are visible during the interview. Avoid having your back to a window or other light source that can create a glare.
  • A quiet and distraction-free environment: Conduct the interview in a quiet and distraction-free environment to ensure that the candidate can hear you clearly, and you can concentrate on the interview.
  • Interview questions: Prepare a list of interview questions that you will ask the candidate during the interview. Make sure the questions are relevant to the job and will help you evaluate the candidate’s qualifications and experience.
  • Note-taking tools: Have a notepad or a note-taking app ready to take notes during the interview. This will help you remember important details about the candidate’s responses and evaluate their suitability for the job.

Setting up a virtual interview

  • Send an invitation to the candidate with instructions on how to access the video interview platform.
  • Wait for the candidate to log into the platform at the designated time.
  • The platform will provide an introduction and instructions for the candidate to follow.
  • The candidate will begin answering a series of predetermined questions on video.
  • If the interview is conducted in real-time, ask follow-up questions based on the candidate’s responses.
  • Evaluate the candidate’s responses and decide whether to move them forward in the hiring process or to decline their application.
  • Follow up with the candidate to provide feedback and inform them of the next steps in the hiring process.

Ensure good posture, ample lighting, and a readiness to take notes before conducting video interviews. The perfect candidate could be just a video call away.

Integrating video interviewing into your hiring process can have lasting benefits for your organization. Whether you opt for one type or a blend of both, there are definite advantages for both you and the candidate.

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